Evropska Amazonka Amazon of Europe
Destinacija številnih aktivnosti. / Destination of numerous activities.
Evropska Amazonka je destinacija, ki ponuja številne aktivnosti, od kolesarjenja ob Muri, Dravi in Donavi, veslanja v kanuju ali kajaku do edinstvenih pristnih gastronomskih, naravnih in kulturnih doživetij z domačini, ki popestrijo vaše bivanje na destinaciji. Rezervirate lahko:
1. Kolesarsko pot po Amazonki Evrope
2. Izjemni trenutki kulture in narave Amazonske Evrope
3. Spust s kanujem po Muri, Dravi in Donavi.
Več na https://visitaoe.com/.
Amazon of Europe is a destination that offers a lot of activities, from cycling along Mura, Drava and Danube rivers, to paddling in a canoe or kayak to unique authentic gastronomic, natural, and cultural experiences with locals, that enrich your stay in the destination. Available
bookable offers:
1. Amazon of Europe Bike Trail
2. Amazon of Europe Amazing Moments of culture and nature
3. Canoe tours on Mura, Drava and Danube rivers.